Wait? Really? Oftentimes we are zealous in our pursuit of destiny and discerning the plans God has for our lives and ministries. We follow the instructions in Word of God faithfully as shared in Habakkuk 2:2, to write the vision. We pray for clarity, we share with those whom we believe are to “catch the vision” and run with it, but still there is the tarry, the wait, the allowance for “patience to have her perfect work”. Could it be that while we want the vision to come to past suddenly and immediately, we are missing the very “perfect work” of the process God is walking us through? When we have passion for and earnest pursuit of the vision, let us become more cognizant and not put the “cart before the horse” in that the vision from God must not take precedence over our relationship with Him. Let us gracefully embrace the “waiting” and tarrying of the vision, while passionately pursuing the heart of the Father. That way, we know that we will go through the God-ordained (and appointed) process towards healing and discerning His heart with clarity about the vision. We must walk patiently through and not skip any steps. We must not allow the cares of this world to taint the purity and holiness of Father’s plans to accomplish His Will in the earth. After 20 plus years of prophetic ministry, 50+ years of life itself, I have come to the realization that it’s best to wait on the Lord and be of good cheer. Never has God left me during my process of preparation or not manifested His vision in His appointed time. Wait In faith, be assured in hope, and through His agape love, walk it out through the sweet communion of your Covenant relationship with The Father. Though it tarry, wait for it. Please know that the vision will come to pass, but only after you go through the process… please also know that your assigned “vision runners” must also complete their process. Selah.
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