I remember as a child, listening to the morning and afternoon announcements at school. Too often, we were playing, not focused on the announcements, but connecting with friends on the unimportant and frivolous things of our youth. As adults in the Body of Christ, I wonder how much of the Holy Spirit announcements are being ignored or our focus is on something else rather than hearing and “seeing” the vision God is speaking to us to activate blessings in our lives. Frequently, if the latter is the case, we do not hear or see God’s truth, we receive lies and embrace the enemy’s tactics to steal, kill and destroy the vision for our lives. What are you “hearing”? What are you “seeing” in your spiritual environment through the eyes of faith? The answer to that will determine whether you are living and flowing with the Spirit of Truth, or allowing the influences from “the prince of the power the air” to taint our perspective. God wants to reveal so much to us through His Holy Spirit and He wants us to “listen” and “see” what He wants us to hear and see. Testing, testing… Let us no longer allow the sound of the voices that can resonate in our head be so loud that they drown out the “still small voice” from our heavenly Father as we walk victoriously through our testing. We will not respond to God’s glory and anointing upon His Word where we (in our past) have made the Word of God become non-effective in our lives. If we take the time to test our hearing in the Spirit and align it with biblically sound doctrine, we are better able to discern truth. Then we are able to block out the false voices sent by the enemy, and only begin to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in Jesus’ name! My sheep know my voice… thank you Lord!
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